Creating quality urban lifestyles, building stronger communities
It is our mission to design, build & market residential and commercial complexes of good quality while assuring the highest possible level of satisfaction for our valued customers. We are specialist in constructing of Bungalows, buildings, R.C.C. Overhead Tank, over the last 7 years, we have already completed development of Bungalows, buildings, road etc. in Madhya Pradesh. The company is presently executing projects worth over Rs. 3 crore with 20400 square feet of area under development. To achieve our goals and fulfill your demands, we have a skilled workforce under the direct supervision of a highly progressive & professional management.

Our workforce includes talent from diverse fields like engineering, architecture, finance, marketing, construction, exports & other management disciplines. Pulverized fuel ash commonly known as fly ash is a useful by-product from thermal power stations using pulverized coal as fuel and has considerable pozzolonic activity. This national resource has been gainfully utilized for manufacture of pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks as a supplement to common burnt clay buildings bricks leading to conservation of natural resources and improvement in environment quality. Pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks are obtained from materials consisting of pulverized fuel ash in major quantity, lime and an accelerator acting as a catalyst. Pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks are generally manufactured by intergrading blending various raw materials are then molded into bricks and subjected to curing cycles at different temperatures and pressures. On occasion as and when required, crushed bottom fuel ash or sand is also used in the composition of the raw material. Crushed bottom fuel ash or sand is also used in the composition as a coarser material to control water absorption in the final product. Pulverized fuel ash reacts with lime in presence of moisture from a calcium hydrate which is a binder material. Thus pulverized fuel ash – lime in presence of moisture form a calcium – silicate hydrate which is binder material. Thus pulverized fuel ash – lime brick is a chemically ended bricks. These bricks are suitable for use in masonry construction just like common burnt clay bricks. Production of pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks has already started in the country and it is expected that this standard would encourage production and use on mass scale. This stand lays down the essential requirements of pulverized fuel ash bricks so as to achieve uniformity in the manufacture of such bricks. 3 The Proposed unit will be a started by one of the women entrepreneur and she have acquired EM Part I from the District Industries Centre, Kanchipuram, And also obtained all the statuary requirements to run the firm without any technical and managerial problems.

Quality Construction. Honest service. Great value
Our professional team works to increase productivity and cost effectiveness on the market